SMT焊接不良及图片说明17--Missing Component( 缺件 )
日期:2009-12-07 21:22  点击:532

17.Missing Component( 缺件 )


        拒收                                        良好情r

缺c描述 :

Designated component are not at the determined pads & locations.


It is not consider to be a defect if it is above the AQL level of 2.5%.


  • Insufficient tack characteristics of solder paste due to extreme temperature and humidity 
  • Component placement inaccuracies
  • Too much movement of the assembly prior and during reflow    


  • Abide by the recommended temperature and humidity requirement of the solder paste
  • Improve the accuracy of component placement   
  • Minimize the amount of movement the unreflowed assembly sees
  • Usage of a more aggressive flux
  • Improve the solderability of the components and PCBs 


For through-hole component :
Replace the missing component before using a chisel-shaped soldering iron to solder back the joint.It is placed against the joint long enough such that the transfer of heat is sufficient enough before placing the solderwire close to the tip of the iron.

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