SIPLACE 提升“Whispering-down-the-Line” 功能
需要盘点的电子制造商,在开始一个新机种前,必需把现有机种全部完成。如果需要用INK SPOTS防错料,Whispering-down-the-Line (WDTL) 系统现在有了更大的改善。
随着新软件的应用,只要在整个西门子生产线第一台机器上安装一个barcode,就可以随实现生产程式自动切换。降低因错料产生的时间和成本, barcodes可以触发生产程式切换,而不用在全部完成上一机种之前就换线。对频繁换线的可能提高10%的效率,使用WDTL,只要第一台机器识别ink spots就可以。节省了时间。
704 SIPLACE Station Software 提供了新的更多的可选项.
The new Release 704 of the SIPLACE Station Software offers a new and much more efficient WDTL option. In the future, a single barcode reader in the first machine is all it takes to initiate placement program changes automatically and execute on-the-fly product changeovers. This eliminates the need to empty the line, making the entire line much more efficient. The new WDTL option also eliminates the need to invest in additional readers, which previously had to be installed in each machine on the line. Finally, with the new software the operators have to configure only a single reader.
Up to ten percent more efficient
In the future, the barcode information will be transmitted across all machines exclusively via software. This transfer method results in significantly more robust processes, because as the number of readers drops, so does the chance of errors during physical reads and thus the number of line stops and operator interventions. Pilot users of the new SIPLACE WDTL option estimated the efficiency improvement resulting from barcode-based process control at between five and ten percent, depending on the volume and frequency of product changeovers on the lines.
The WDTL option also includes the transfer of ink spot information about the usability of individual clusters. For example, using ink spots makes it easy to prevent bad clusters from being populated, which saves on component costs. Here, too, the vision system in the first SIPLACE machine reads the information and passes it down the line. Thanks to the powerful SIPLACE vision systems, the ink spot read process takes merely 20 milliseconds in most cases – less than one-tenth of the time required by comparable systems from other manufacturers (approx. 250 milliseconds). And the greater the number of clusters, the greater the speed gain, because thanks to the new WDTL option only a single read process is required. The read process has virtually no impact on the optimized cycle times, but it significantly improves the quality and efficiency of the entire placement process.