拒收 良好情況
缺點描述 :
The failure of the metal surface to be wetted by the molten solder when using the flux. The original metal surface remains intact.
零件腳金屬表面保持原有的外形 , 而助焊劑跟焊接失敗的錫點像鑄模一樣圍繞在外側
可能因素 :
- Solder temperature too low
- 焊錫溫度過低 - 錫未克服表面張力與零件腳接合
- Solder is contaminated
- 焊錫污染 - 熔點變高 , 熔接能力變差
- Preheat temperature too low
- 預熱溫度過低 - 迴焊時熱容量不足
- Flux is contaminated
- 助焊劑污染 - 失去活化或潤濕功能
- Flux no longer active
- 助焊劑未完全活化 - 預熱溫度不正確 , 不無法發揮助焊力
- Board rerun
- 板子重新迴焊 - 錫球表面氧化 , 助焊劑蒸發
- Component contamination
- 零件腳表面污染 - 氧化 , 作業人員接觸留下油脂 , 作業溶劑或零件腳表面處理溶劑殘留
- Board contamination due to insufficient board cleaning
- 基板表面不潔或污染 - 氧化 , 作業人員接觸留下油脂 , 作業溶劑或基板表面處理溶劑殘留
- Board oxidized due to insufficient preflux protection
- 焊接前保護不足 , 基板氧化 - 儲存過久 , 或儲存條件不良
可行的預防方法 :
- Increase the temperature of the solder
- 增加焊接溫度 - 確保熔接峰值溫度在 210-230 ℃
- Prevent the solder from contamination
- 防止焊錫氧化 - 合理的迴溫方式 , 適當的操作環境與使用時間
- Increase the preheat temperature
- 增加預熱溫度 - 增加均溫區的熱容量 , 使迴焊熔錫順利進行
- Check for flux contamination
- 確認助焊劑污染 - 避免酒精 , 去嘖油 , 或鋼板清潔溶劑污染
- Keep track with the concentration of the flux to maintain the reactivity of the flux
- 確保助焊劑確實活化 - 依錫膏規格調整均溫區曲線
- Ensure that the board is placed evenly before soldering
- 確保基板非重覆過爐 - 未完全熔錫的板子重過應添加助焊濟
- Components’ lead or solder portions should be free from contamination
- 零件腳表面確實沒有污染 - 進料沾錫檢驗 , 與適當的儲存 , 避免作業與接觸污染
- Proper handling of the board will prevent the protective layer to be wear off
- 正確的操作基板避免表層保護喪失 - 進料沾錫檢驗 , 與適當的儲存 , 避免作業與接觸污染
- Board should not be kept too long exceeding the period whereby the protective coating is wear off
- 基板保存期限勿過久使表層保護喪失 - 適當的儲存 , 及使用前的除濕 , 還原養化作業
The joint is soldered back by placing the chisel-shaped soldering tip against it long enough such that the transfer of heat is sufficient enough before placing the solderwire close to the tip of the iron.